Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 9th August 2016
Councillors present
Mr P Wyatt (Chairman), Mr R Hitchens, Mr S Skelhorn, Mr N Pollett, Mr L Salvidge, Mr P Allen, Mr P Savage, Mr L Sheen and Mr J Petchey.
Opportunity for the members of the public to speak
There were four members of the public present. Ms Lorraine Frapwell (Carer’s Support Officer) provided a brief presentation about B&NES Carers Centre which is an independent charity supporting family carers in B&NES. A carer is someone who looks after family members or friend who need help with day to day living. The Carers Centre help provide access, emotional support, information, respite and advocacy. It started with volunteers in 1986, then progressed in 1994 as a support project, then in 2002 became a member of the Care Trust. Mrs Frapwell provided the Council with copies of the Care Centres quarterly magazines that go out to the carers. Mrs Frapwell was asked to provide an article for the New and Views, so that the message of support for the Carers can be far reaching.
A lady from Hallatrow asked the Council if there is a definite date for the appeal decision for 15/01335/OUT (Appeal Ref:- 16/00030/RF) Erection of 15 dwellings and associated infrastructure. (Outline application with all matters reserved. Parcel 3615 Wells Road Hallatrow. The Council replied there is no definite date known at present. The Council and the public discussed their concerns that B&NES Highways have changed their views from the original application in April 2015, when Highways had highlighted, several highways issues with the planning application
District Councillor L Kew
Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 12th July 2016
There was one amendment. The header on each page should read 12th July 2016
Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations
Mr John Petchey regarding Planning Application 16/03084/FUL – Mr Petchey is the applicant and owner of the property
Mr Nick Pollett regarding Planning Application 16/03584/FUL – Mr Pollett’s son is the owner of the property
Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions
16/00481/FUL Construction of a Timber Framed garden building for use as a Grandpa Annex ancillary to main dwelling. Montvale House, Wells Road. Hallatrow.
Permitted. To be removed from the agenda.
16/02250/FUL Change of use of land for the parking/resting of vehicles related to Taylor Plant Limited (Use class: Sui generis) for a temporary period of 7 years (Retrospective). Redhouse Farm, White Cross, Hallatrow. The High Littleton Parish Council wish to note and record the following conditions of the permitted development. “The use hereby permitted shall cease and all vehicles associated with Taylor Plant Ltd shall be removed from the land no later than 5th July 2019. Reason to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the impact of the development.”
To be removed from the agenda.
16/02473/FUL Erection of single storey side garage extension. 75A Eastover Road, High Littleton
Permitted. To be removed from the agenda.
16/03084/FUL Replacement of kitchen/dining room and new entrance lobby and w/c. 6A New Road, High Littleton
Permitted. To be removed from the agenda.
New Planning Applications
16/03584/FUL Erection of an attached garage with home office above. Primrose Cottage, White Cross, Hallatrow
Mr N Pollett left the room during the Council’s discussion. The Council agreed to support this application.
16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow
The Council agreed to Object in Principle due to the following reasons – Overdevelopment, contrary to D2 and D4 to the Local Plan. Impact on nearby houses, contrary to HG11 to the Local Plan. Not enough parking spaces. There is the question of sustainability. Protection of trees on site that are subject to a TPO
15/01335/OUT (Appeal Ref:- 16/00030/RF) Erection of 15 dwellings and associated infrastructure. (Outline application with all matters reserved. Parcel 3615 Wells Road Hallatrow
Awaiting decision. The Clerk was requested by the Council contact the Case Officer and state the Council would like to understand the reasons for the change in the Highways statements from their reports dated 23rd April 2015 that provide reasons for refusal. The Council would like to know how it is intended to be accomplished.
15/04842/OUT (Appeal Ref:- 16/00025/RF) Erection of detached dormer bungalow and garage at rear of ‘Valley View’ with access off existing back lane. (Outline application with access, layout and scale to be determined and all other matters reserved)
Awaiting decision
16/01919/FUL (Appeal Ref:- 16/00046/RF) Erection of 1no three bed dwelling (Resubmission). 13 Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton. New Appeal. The Council requested that the Clerk reiterate their previous comments which gave reasons for Objection in Principle
Other Planning matters
- Council looking at establishing internet connection to Church hall
Mr L Salvidge provided the Council with three quotations for broadband wiring to the Church Hall.1/ Mark Perrott – £1200 plus VAT. 2/ Norton Hill School – £1955 plus VAT. 3/Power Plus Solutions – £845 plus VAT. Mr Salvidge cannot make contact with the High Littleton School to discuss the matter due to the holidays. The Council agreed to discuss the quotations next month
Agenda Items
- Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
- Feasibility study for Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development and Village Gate, Paulton Road, Hallatrow
No news. Mr P Wyatt agreed to contact Mr Stefan Chiffers (B&NES Traffic Engineer) for an update
- Enhancement of area between New Road and Scumbrum Lane
No news
- Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)
No news
- Zebra Crossing High Street – problems with impaired visibility due to queuing traffic and general traffic problems
Mr J Petchey forwarded to the Councillors the parishioner’s comments about the problems of the zebra crossing by the Post Office. Cars are failing to stop and the parking by the zebra crossing causes sight problems. The Clerk also received an email from a parishioner stating his concerns that the problems could lead to an accident. The Council discussed the public’s concerns and the suggestion of a signal control. Mr P Wyatt said he would discuss the matter with Mr S Chiffers (B&NES traffic Engineer). In the meantime Mr J Petchey will gather up more information. The Clerk to pass on to the parishioner the Council’s intended actions.
- Highway related matters
The Highways Maintenance Sheet was updated
- Request from the Parish Council that the Eco Wild Friendly group do not park in large numbers by the “Jubilee Oak” near Greyfield Wood
The Clerk wrote to Mrs Emily Malik (Ecowild Group) to ask if her group would not to park by the Jubilee Oak as they are causing an obstruction. Mrs Malik’s reply was forwarded to the Councillors. The Council discussed the possibility of putting up parking signs. Mr S Skelhorn agreed to talk to Mrs Malik about the problem of parking in the area.
- Bus Stops / Bus Shelters
- New bus shelter opposite the Post Office
The Clerk chased Ms Avril England (B&NES Public Transport Officer) for news on the feeder pillar connection. Ms England replied that the feeder pillar and power to the shelter have been completed. She is waiting for the shelter company’s electrician to connect the power to the shelter. Once this is completed and an electrical certificate has been issued, the RTI unit can be connected.
- Youth Service Matters
No news
- B&NES Placemaking Plans
No news
- Footpath Matters
- Footpath Sign by Greyfield Wood needs replacing
The Council noted that the sign that needs replacing, is off Greyfield Road by the corner to the lane leading to Greyfield wood. The Clerk to inform Mrs S Petherbridge (B&NES Footpath Officer)
- Methodist Church – Update Review
No news
- Neighbourhood Plans/Parish Plans
A notice to the public about the Council’s intension of starting a Neighbourhood Plan, has been sent to the News and Views and put on the Council’s website. The first meeting of the Steering Group was held on 1st August 2016. Mr P Savage provided the Council with feedback from the meeting. The Steering Group requires members of the public to be part of the group along with 5 Parish Councillors. The Clerk was asked to find out when the News and Views will be distributed to the households. The Council are keen that the request for Steering Group members is advertised soon, as community engagement is important. Mr Savage arranged the next meeting with the Steering Group for 23rd August 2016. The Council requested that the Clerk to email Mrs Rosemary Naish (Clutton Chairman) and thank her for her valuable help so far.
- Facebook page for the Parish Council
- Council to approve of draft Social Media Policy
The Councillors reviewed the above and provide comments and suggested amendments. Mr Petchey will circulate again with the amendments
- Freedom of Information Act
The Council discussed whether information about the Parish Council publicised on the Council’s website is sufficient and meets the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. Mr L Sheen informed the Council that what he printed off from the website was difficult to read. Mr Sheen provided a guidance/template for the Council to read. The Council also discussed the problems the Clerk experiences with updating the website which is 7 years old. The Council agreed that the Council should look into obtaining a new website. To be put on next month’s agenda
- Council mobile phone replacement
The Clerk asked the Council for a new mobile phone as the old one does not work. The Clerk has seen a basic one that can be purchased from Tesco for £20. Mr P Wyatt proposed that the Clerk can purchase a mobile phone for £20. This was seconded by Mr N Pollett and carried unanimously.
Reports from Representatives
No news
Recreation Ground
Mr P Allen provided the Council with a verbal report
Police and Neighbourhood Watch
Mr S Skelhorn provided the Council with a verbal report
School Governors
Nothing to report
Grass and Cemetery
Nothing to report
Parish Magazine “News and Views”
Nothing to report
Greyfield Wood
Mr S Skelhorn provided the Council with a verbal report
- Litter bin request for edge of Greyfield wood and re-siting bin at Gas box Greyfield Road
The Council have been waiting for the B&NES Cleansing Supervisor to get in touch to discuss to moving of the litter bin by the Gas Box. The Clerk was requested to chase.
Street Cleansing Update
- Email received from Mr Barry Gimbert (Litter Picker Volunteers group) asking the Council if their services are required now the Council are employing a contractor to sweep the streets
The Council discussed Mr Gimbert’s email and requested that the Clerk inform Mr Gimbert that the Council value the services of the volunteers who pick up the litter and would like them to continue. The Council have not received a date when the WJB will start the cleansing of the Parish a date for the
The Clerk met with Mr Wayne Bridges (WJB Services) to sign the contract which agrees to WJB cleansing the streets twice a year, which agrees to WJB services cleansing the streets. Mr Bridges to provide a start date.
Parish Liaison Meeting
No news
Items of interest from District Councillor:
No news
Correspondence for Action:
- Email from parishioner regarding dangerously speeding traffic travelling along Goosard Lane
The Council discussed the email and agreed that the Clerk should forward it to Mr S Chiffers
- Chew Valley Neighbourhood Plan Proposal – Publicity. Council invited to offer comments
Noted by the Council
- Telephone call from parishioner concerned with “unusual and frequent” large vehicle movements from property in Rotcombe Lane
This was discussed by the Council. It appears to have been resolved
- Email from resident asking if First Bus is withdrawing the 379 service
The Council discussed the changes to the bus services which include the 379, 179, 768 and 178. There is a detailed article in the Local Journal about the changes. The Clerk was requested to inform the resident of the article.
- Quarterly Accounts for signing
The Clerk provided the Council with the quarterly accounts ending 30th June 2016. The Council agreed that the Chairman should sign these accounts
- Cam Valley Arts Trail – Council to reconsider looking at grant request before February 2017
The Council discussed the above grant request again. Mr S Skelhorn proposed that due to exceptional circumstances, the Council award Cam Valley Arts Trail £100. This was seconded by Mr L Sheen and carried unanimously
For Payment:
The following cheques were approved for payment August 2016:-
Cheque 856 | Came & Company – Council annual Insurance | 432.24 |
Cheque 857 | To Pauline Young | |
Clerk’s pay July 16 | 964.33 | |
Less July 16 Tax | (9.40) | |
Less July 16 NI Contributions | (35.04) | |
Net Total | 919.89 | |
Travel for July 16 | 20.25 | |
Total | 940.14 | |
Cheque 858 | Post Office Ltd | |
Employee’s July 16 Tax | 9.40 | |
Employer’s and Employee’s July 16 NI | 74.78 | |
Total | 84.18 | |
Cheque 859 | E.ON – Electric for July 16 | 42.65 |
Cheque 860 | Primrose Garden Maintenance – July Grass cutting Cemetery and White Cross | 357.60 |
Cheque 861 | M Stevens (Crocombe Services) – Rec Ground grass cutting July 16 | 114.58 |
Cheque 862 | S Manley – Distributing News and Views | 140.00 |
Cheque 863 | P Young – Mobile phone and top up & stationery | 56.49 |
Cheque 864 | J Shears – Dog poop bags | 57.85 |
Cheque 865 | B&NES – Cemetery bin emptying annual fee | 129.79 |
Cheque 866 | High Littleton Trinity Church – rent of hall Mar-July (inclusive) | 120.00 |
Total | 2484.08 |
Matters Chairman considers Urgent
Mr P Wyatt offered his apologies for the September Parish Council meeting. Mr Wyatt will be on holiday.
Mr S Skelhorn requested that the planning application for Little Dene, Greyfield Road is on next month’s agenda. The Council wish to see if the work being carried out is in line with the permitted conditions
Items for Next Meeting
Discussion regarding receipts for Capital Project Grants
Review Standing Orders and Review Financial Regulations
Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange
The Clerk gave the latest back up to the Chairman
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 13th September 2016
The Chairman closed the meeting at 21.08 hours
Chairman Clerk