Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 13th September 2016
Councillors present
Mr R Hitchens (Vice-Chairman – Chairman for the meeting), Mr S Skelhorn, Mr N Pollett, Mr L Salvidge, Mr L Sheen and Mr J Petchey.
Opportunity for the members of the public to speak
There were 4 members of the public present. A local resident to the planning application 16/03914/FUL The Yard, High Street, provided the Council with his reasons for his objection to the application. The gentleman asked who would be responsible for the access road as it is un-adopted. There would be a parking problem, plus the road is too narrow for cars to pass parked vehicles. Two residents of Goosard Lane addressed the Council regarding the speeding traffic problems in Goosard Lane and the concern of a danger to life. The white 30mph white lining has almost eroded away and the 30 mph sign is covered by a hedge. It was noted that the lane is too narrow for a gateway. The public felt that speed bumps would slow the traffic down. The Council and the public discussed the problem. A member of the public complained that the public did not have an official warning that regarding the changes to the bus services and timetables. There is concern the serious effect the changes are having on the public. It was suggested that Facebook is used to collate public opinion
District Mr P Wyatt, Mr P Allen and Mr P Savage,
Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 9th August 2016
There was one amendment. The header on each page should read 12th July 2016
Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations
Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions
16/03584/FUL Erection of an attached garage with home office above. Primrose Cottage, White Cross, Hallatrow
Permitted. To be removed from the agenda
16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow
Awaiting a decision
New Planning Applications
16/03724/FUL Erection of 4 No. detached dwellings (resubmission of 15/04514/FUL). Lea Meadow House, Wells Road, Hallatrow
The Council agreed to Support this application
16/03914/FUL Demolition of existing building and erection of 6no dwellings and associated works. The Yard, High Street, High Littleton
The Council agreed to Object in Principle to this application for the following reasons:-
1/ Overdevelopment contrary to the Local Plan D4.2/ The location plan is incorrect. The plan shows that the access is wider than it actually is. 3/ There is no room for two vehicles to pass. 4/ The road is un-adopted. 5/ The garage has permanent parking along side the garage on the access. There are insufficient sight lines 6/ Contrary to T3 of the Local Plan (Safe and convenient pedestrian routes).7/ Contrary to WM1 – 15 of the Local Plan (Waste Management and Recycling)
15/01335/OUT (Appeal Ref:- 16/00030/RF) Erection of 15 dwellings and associated infrastructure. (Outline application with all matters reserved. Parcel 3615 Wells Road Hallatrow
Appeal allowed. The Clerk emailed Ms Rachel Tadman (Case Officer) to ask the reason for the change in the Highways previous statement that found problems with the planning application in relation to traffic and highways issues. Ms Tadman’s replied the Highways Development Officer was consulted a number of times on this application. Due to the initial concerns about the application, which included her recommendation for refusal, the Agent submitted a number of revised plans to attempt to overcome the objection. The final submission was considered by B&NES to show potential to show an acceptable highway layout that allowed for vehicles to safely enter and exit the site without also having an adverse impact on the function of the highway in this location. Therefore the Highways objection was withdrawn. To be removed from the agenda.
15/04842/OUT (Appeal Ref:- 16/00025/RF) Erection of detached dormer bungalow and garage at rear of ‘Valley View’ with access off existing back lane. (Outline application with access, layout and scale to be determined and all other matters reserved)
Appeal dismissed.
16/01919/FUL (Appeal Ref:- 16/00046/RF) Erection of 1no three bed dwelling (Resubmission). 13 Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton
Awaiting a decision
Other Planning matters
- 16/00061/FUL Erection of first floor extension to bungalow with attic accommodation and erection of a front porch (amended description) – Council to compare permitted conditions and compare to work being carried out.
The Council had concerns that the work being undertaken is not complying with the permitted development. The Council reviewed the permitted conditions and submitted application. Although the Council are not totally happy, but they have no objections.
Agenda Items
- Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
- Feasibility study for Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development and Village Gate, Paulton Road, Hallatrow
The Council discussed the submitted draft drawing by Mr Dan Miller (B&NES Dan Miller
Engineer – Design Group) for the Hallatrow village gate in Paulton Road. The Council requested that the Clerk email Mr Miller to say that the Council feel the Village Gate design falls short from the standard the Council expected and would like a more of a visual impact.
- Enhancement of area between New Road and Scumbrum Lane
No news
- Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)
No news
- Zebra Crossing High Street – problems with impaired visibility due to queuing traffic and general traffic problems
Mr J Petchey forwarded to the Council Facebook comments about the zebra crossing. The Council discussed the problems and the suggestion of a pelican crossing. The Council requested that the Clerk forward the Facebook comments to Mr S Chiffers (B&NES Traffic Engineer) and ask him to look at the problem and ask what options he thinks are available.
- Goosard Lane – speeding traffic
The Clerk forwarded an email from a resident in Goosard Lane to Mr S Chiffers, which states the resident has very serious concerns about the speeding traffic on Goosard Lane and the risk to children and animals. It is noted that an automated traffic count is planned. The Council would like to know when this will be done and what could be done to alleviate the problem if he finds one. Mr Chiffers replied that any data counts would only happen if funding is made available in the new financial year. The Clerk was
requested to email Mr Chiffers and ask for the 30 mph sign to be cleaned and the hedge cut back. Also for the white 30 mph white lining to re re-painted
- Parking Infringements on New Road
Mr Kevin Thomas (parishioner) emailed the Clerk to say that the problems of cars parking on the double yellow lines is getting worse. The illegally parked cars are making it impossible to see safely to proceed around the chicane and mask the chicane warning signs. The Council discussed the matter and requested that the Clerk contact B&NES Parking Enforcement and say that the Council endorsed Mr Thomas concerns, and that the matter needs addressing
- Highway related matters
The Highways maintenance sheet was updated
- Request from the Parish Council that the Eco Wild Friendly group do not park in large numbers by the “Jubilee Oak” near Greyfield Wood
The Council discussed the original complaints about parked vehicles causing an obstruction and have noted that since the last meeting, local residents have parked in the area and it could be considered that they are causing an obstruction. The Council agreed to remove the matter from the agenda.
- Bus Stops / Bus Shelters
- New bus shelter opposite the Post Office
The Clerk email Ms Avril England to ask if there have been further developments. Ms England replied she is waiting for the electrical certificate to be issued.
- Youth Service Matters
No news
- B&NES Placemaking Plans
No news
- Footpath Matters
- Footpath Sign off Greyfield Road leading to Greyfield Wood needs replacing
The Clerk informed Mrs Sheila Petherbridge (B&NES Footpath Officer) that the Council wanted a sign in Greyfield Road and not Greyfield Wood as originally requested. Mrs Petherbridge replied that she has already put a sign in the “car park”. The Council considered its repositioning
- Methodist Church – Update Review
No news
- Neighbourhood Plans/Parish Plans
Mr Paul Wyatt submitted an application to formally designate High Littleton Parish as a Neighbourhood area to B&NES. Mrs Julie O’Rourke (B&NES Planning Policy Officer) replied that the High Littleton Parish Neighbourhood Plan is out now for a 4 weeks consultation until 30th September 2016. The Steering Group held a meeting held on 23rd August 2016. Mr L Sheen provided the Council with feedback from the meeting. Another meeting will be held with Mrs O’Rourke in October 2016.
- Facebook page for the Parish Council
- Council to approve of draft Social Media Policy
Mr J Petchey forwarded to the Councillors an amended policy for the Council’s approval. The Council discussed the policy and requested that he Clerk find out if NALC have a standard Social Media Policy they can consult.
- Freedom of Information Act
The Clerk sought the opinion from ALCA regarding the Council’s Publication Scheme on the website.
Mrs Deborah White (ALCA Secretary) replied that she cannot see anything wrong with it as it meets the criteria recommended by the Information Commission. Mrs White offered two templates, one which is similar to the one used by our Council and a simpler version that is fine for a Council High Littleton’s size. The Council discussed the problems of Councillors using their work emails with regards to the Freedom of Information Act. To be removed from the agenda
- Council looking at establishing internet connection to Church hall
The Council briefly discussed the matter of establishing internet connection to the Church Hall which is ongoing.
- Christmas trees and dressing for 2016
The Council discussed possible suppliers and dressers. The Council requested that the Clerk request a quotation from Somer 2000 for dressing two Christmas trees. The Council discussed the problems of collecting the two trees last year. The Council requested that the Clerk contact the Paulton Parish Council supplier of their Christmas tree and ask If Primrose Garden Maintenance know of a supplier
- Review Standing Orders & Review Financial Regulations
The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors her suggested amendments to the Financial Regulations and the Standing Orders. Mr L Sheen proposed that the Clerk amend both the Financial Regulations and the Standing Orders as suggested by the Clerk. This was seconded by Mr Sean Skelhorn and carried unanimously. To be removed from the agenda
- New website search for Parish Council
The Clerk requested that the Council look at creating a new website in November, when the period is expected to be much quieter and for personal reasons
- Payphone kiosks removal by BT regarding one in the High Street and one on Paulton Road. Consultation giving the communities the option to adopt the kiosks
The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors an email from Mrs Julie O’Rourke which requested a consultation on the removal of the BT phone box in the Parish due to not being used enough to make it economically viable. The Council discussed the phone box and noted that it is not a red heritage one. The Council requested that the Clerk inform Mrs O’Rourke that they do not have an objection to the phone box being removed.
Reports from Representatives
The Council discussed that one of the allotments is not being fully used. The Clerk was requested to contact the allotment holder and ask what their intensions are for the unused part as there are people on the waiting list that may be willing to share the allotment
Recreation Ground
No news
Police and Neighbourhood Watch
Mr S Skelhorn provided the Council with a verbal report
School Governors
No news
Grass and Cemetery
The Clerk emailed Mr N Pollett to look into whether the Council should be considering phase 3 works to the cemetery trees for the purpose of the budget sheet 2017/2018. Mr Pollett reported to the Council that at the present time the condition of the cemetery trees does not warrant work to them for this or the forthcoming year.
Parish Magazine “News and Views”
- Email request to offer to distribute News and Views
An interest to deliver the News and Views in the Parish was offered to a Councillor. The Clerk informed Mr Vicki Smith who is the main organiser. Mrs Smith said that she has already been approached by the gentleman and said that she is very happy with the service provided by the present distributer. The Council requested that the Clerk that she inform Mrs Smith that they are also happy with the service.
Greyfield Wood
- Litter bin request for edge of Greyfield wood and re-siting bin at Gas box Greyfield Road
The Council wished to meet up with the B&NES Cleansing supervisor to discuss the re-siting of the bin,
but was missed due to short notice and a fleeting visit to the area. The Clerk has asked that the Council are informed when they are next in the area.
Street Cleansing Update
Mr Wayne Bridges (WJB Services) emailed the Clerk to say he has invoiced the Council for two weeks work. Mr Bridges stated that 2 weeks is not long enough for the first sweep. Mr Bridges believes it to be a month’s work. Mr Bridges has noticed an error in the agreement which states an extra day’s work will cost £200. It should read £250. Mr L Sheen proposed that the Council offer an extra £2500 in full settlement for the opportunity for Mr Bridges to complete the cleansing schedule. This was seconded by Mr S Skelhorn and carried unanimously. The Council agreed for the agreement to be amended from £200 f or an extra days work to £250. The Council also noted that the work so far undertaken by Mr Bridges has been very good
Parish Liaison Meeting
The next meeting is on 12th October 2016
Items of interest from District Councillor:
No news
Correspondence for Action:
- Request from parishioner for Council’s support to press B&NES for lighting and pavement from White Cross to Old Station Inn
A Hallatrow resident emailed the Clerk to ask the Council to add some weight to her request to B&NES for an urgent safety assessment of the A39. Hallatrow seems to suffer most from the changes, with the withdrawal of the 379 service as there is no longer an A37 Bristol bus service which safely carries passengers into the village, rather than dropping them off at White Cross. The resident is considering contacting B&NES to ask if it could extend the current pavement from Bookbarn, right into the village. The Council discussed previous considerations of adding a footway from the old Station Inn to White Cross and the problems encountered. Mr R Hitchens agreed to speak and discuss with the resident
- Email from Parishioner regarding overhanging trees on Eastover Road and Southover Road footpath
The Council agreed for the Council to inform Mrs Sheila Petherbridge (B&NES Footpath Officer)
Discussion regarding receipts for Capital Project Grants
The Clerk has not received any requests for any grant projects
For Payment:
The following cheques were approved for payment September 2016:-
Cheque 867 | To Pauline Young | |
Clerk’s pay August 16 | 964.33 | |
Less August 16 Tax | (9.40) | |
Less August 16 NI Contributions | (35.04) | |
Net Total | 919.89 | |
Travel for August 16 | 22.95 | |
Total | 942.84 | |
Cheque 868 | Post Office Ltd | |
Employee’s August 16 Tax | 9.40 | |
Employer’s and Employee’s August 16 NI | 74.78 | |
Total | 84.18 | |
Cheque 869 | E.ON – Electric for August 16 | 42.65 |
Cheque 870 | Primrose Garden Maintenance – August Grass cutting Cemetery and White Cross | 194.40 |
Cheque 871
M Stevens (Crocombe Services) – Rec Ground grass cutting August 16 | 114.58 |
Cheque 872 | Cam Valley Arts Trail – Grant | 100.00 |
Cheque 873 | Fosseway Press – Printing News and Views | 317.65 |
Cheque 874 | S Manley – Distributing News and Views | 140.00 |
Cheque 875 | Trenjory Designs – Editing News and Views | 187.50 |
Total | 2,123.80 |
Matters Chairman considers Urgent
The Clerk informed the Council that the office of Mrs Maria Lucas (B&NES Head of Legal Democratic Services and Monitoring) had contacted the Clerk to say that a resident of the High Littleton Parish Council has made a complaint about two High Littleton Parish Councillors. Reference 11.16a and 11.16b.
The Clerk was informed that this was the only information she is allowed to provide to the Council, and told that it should be minuted.
The Clerk informed the Council that she will be on holiday from 21st September to the 29th September 2016
Mr R Hitchens informed the Council that cars are parked on the grass verge by White Cross junction for lengthy periods and that in the winter this could make a mess of the grass. The Clerk was requested to inform Mr S Chiffers
Items for Next Meeting
No extra items
Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange
The Clerk gave the latest back up to the Chairman
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 11th October 2016
The Vice-Chairman closed the meeting at 22.00 hours
Chairman Clerk