Agenda Parish Council meeting 14 November 2023

High Littleton Parish Council       

Clerk: Mrs K Headlong 

Leylands, Goosard Lane 

High Littleton.  BS39 6HJ 


Councillors: S Gould, P Richards, L Sheen, P Feltham, R Lane, K Fuglesang, P Ghillyer and C Lindley are summoned to attend the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council 7.00pm on Tuesday 14 November 2023 at the Church Hall, High Littleton Church.  

Opportunity for the members of the public to speak (the public are asked to limit their address to 5 minutes with maximum time allowed 20 minutes). Please note that the Parish Council cannot make a decision on any item which is not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for a future agenda. 


2311.1 Apologies – to note apologies for absence 

2311.2 [TO RESOLVE] To confirm and approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 10 October 2023 

2311.3 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations 

To receive declaration of any members personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda 

Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions 

2311.4 Planning applications to consider and decide comment for submission to B&NES 

a) Applications to consult 

[TO RESOLVE] 23/03705/FUL  80 Eastover Road High Littleton BS39 6HZ  

Erection of two storey side extension 

[TO RESOLVE] 23/04092/FUL 22 Southover Road High Littleton BS39 6HR  

Erection of a first-floor rear extension 

b) To note decision notifications 

23/00631/FUL New House High Street High Littleton BS39 6HX 

Erection of a detached dormer bungalow and garage 

Pending consideration 

23/03092/LBA The Grange, Paulton Road, Hallatrow,  BS39 6EG  

External alterations for the replacement roof covering includes new tiles, battens and underlay. 

Erection of a detached dormer bungalow and garage 

Pending consideration 

23/03364/FUL High Street High Littleton Bristol BS39 6JD  

Erection of first floor rear extension.  

Permitted – to be removed from the agenda 

23/03365/FUL Fairholm High Street High Littleton BS39 6JD  

Creation of hardstanding.  

Withdrawn – to be removed from the agenda 

23/03352/FUL Leamore Scumbrum Lane High Littleton BS39 6JN  

 Proposed garden landscaping works (Retrospective). 

Pending consideration 

2311.5 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide any action to be taken re vehicle parking on pavement on the High Street, between Greyfield Road and Scumbrum Lane 

2311.6 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide any action to be taken re report of overhanging hedge, at beginning of Greyfield Road, obstructing high sided vehicles 

2311.7 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide request for two footpath signs, for either end of the new permissive footpath, from Station Inn to the old Bookbarn 

2311.8 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide any arrangements re D-DAY 80 – 6TH JUNE 2024 (lighting of beacon to be considered) 

2311.9 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide grant request of £1000 from Charity of Mary Jones 

2311.10 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and approve NALC Local Government pay award for Clerk, backdated to 1 April 2023 

2311.11 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and approve quarterly accounts (quarter 2, July – August) and bank reconciliation 

 2311.12 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and approve payments agreed during the 2022/23 financial year to be included in the 2022/23 CIL report 

2311.13 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide disposal of Canon printer 

2311.14 [TO RESOLVE] To review and approve financial regulations 

2311.15 [TO RESOLVE] To approve the following finances for September 

a) Payments –  Sage Payroll DD, Pension DD, D Stephenson – website maintenance SO, Somer Printing – News & Views Nov/Dec printing CARD, High Littleton Scout Group – Repair Café 2024 hall hire CARD, NPower – streetlighting elec Oct 2023, Clerk Pay – Nov 2023, Clerk’s expenses – Oct 2023, Branching Out – parish sweeping and grass cutting Oct 2023,  Austin Sage – grass cutting Oct 2023, Holy Trinity Church – Repair Café 2023 hall hire, Somer Electrical Services – 2 sets of tree lights, C Wilkins – internal audit fee, J Appleton – Christmas Carol sweet grant, J Shears – dog poop bags, Royal British Legion – wreath, Trenjory Designs – News & Views Nov/Dec editing, B George – News & Views Nov/Dec delivery 

2311.16 To consider draft budget for 2024.25 

b) To note receipts  

B&NES – 1st precept instalment £17750 

2311.17 To receive any updates on district matters from Ward Cllr Ann Morgan 

2311.18 To receive reports and updates on current items 

  1. Allotments                                                                       
  1. Recreation Ground 
  1. Police and Neighbourhood Watch                                              
  1. School Governors 
  1. Grass and Cemetery – feedback from meeting with grass cutting contractor 
  1. Parish Magazine  
  1. Greyfield Wood  
  1. Environmental Group 
  1. Clean and Green  
  1. Highway Issues 
  1. Transport/buses 
  1. Neighbourhood Plan 
  1. Streetlighting 
  1. Rosewell Home 
  1. Church Farm 
  1. Charitable donations 

2311.19 Correspondence 

2311.20 Items to carry forward to next meeting 

To consider second budget draft re precept request for 2024/25 

2311.21 To note future meetings 

ALCA – 23 January 2024 and 11 June 2024 7.30 to 8.30pm 

Date of next meeting – 12 December 2023                                                                                   

Simon Gould Kirsty Headlong 
Chairman Clerk