Annual Parish Meeting 14 May 2024 6.30pm

High Littleton & Hallatrow Annual Parish Meeting 

Tuesday 14th May @ 6.30pm 

at the Church Hall, Church Hill, High Littleton 

Everyone Welcome 

This is a meeting for you to express your issues/concerns and give the parish council feedback, via a questionnaire we have prepared for you, regarding your parish. 

It is an opportunity to speak directly to the Parish  

Councillors and the Ward Councilor so we can better represent you and your requirements moving forward.  

Please do join us so we can better represent you for the future, the monthly Meeting of the Parish Council will follow and, as always, you are very welcome to attend! 

This meeting is an opportunity for all residents of the parish to express their opinions or concerns regarding issues relevant to the parish. 

Please note that this is not a Parish Council Meeting. It is chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council.  Councillors attend this meeting as members of the public. 


1. Minutes of the Parish Assembly held June 2023 

2. Matters arising 

3. Chairman’s report 

4. Financial report 

5. Update re Neighbourhood Plan 

6. Any other business and a chance for members of the public to speak 

This will be followed by the monthly Meeting of the Parish Council. 

All Parishioners welcome.