Minutes Parish Council meeting 9 July 2024

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Minutes of the meeting of High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 9 July 2024 7 pm. 

Councillors present 

K Fuglesang, C Lindley, M Whiting, S Gould, A Godwiin, R Lane and Ward Cllr A Morgan.  

Opportunity for the members of the public to speak (the public are asked to limit their address to 5 minutes with maximum time allowed 20 minutes). Please note that the Parish Council cannot make a decision on any item which is not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for a future agenda. 

The Council heard submissions from 

  1. A Stokes Morgan representative with a presentation re planning application 24/02290/FUL 
  1. Residents with concerns re application 24/02290/FUL 
  1. A resident with concerns re the behaviour of a neighbour 
  1. The applicant of planning application 24/02319/PIP who attended to answer any queries Councillors might have 


2407.1 Apologies – to note apologies for absence 

Apologies were received and accepted from L Sheen and P Ghillyer.  


2407.2 [TO RESOLVE] To confirm and approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 11 June 2024 

Resolved – the Council agreed that the 11 June 2024 minutes were a true and correct record of the meeting. 

2407.3 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations 

To receive declaration of any members personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda 


Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions 

2407.4 Planning applications to consider and decide comment for submission to B&NES 

a) Applications to consult 

[TO RESOLVE]  24/02319/PIP Parcel 1636 Wells Road Hallatrow  Somerset  

Permission In Principle Planning Application for the erection of 1no. self-build dwelling with associated works. 

Resolved to comment – 1) A previous pre-application was submitted in 2021 (Ref 21/00302/PA02) which was not permitted. The significant change to this application is that it will be a self-build. The Parish Council did not feel it had sufficient information to decide whether this was enough to change the decision of 2021. 2) The proposed development is outside the defined housing boundary for Hallatrow. 3) The applicant stated at the Parish Council meeting of 09/07/24 that he would enter in a S.106 agreement at the subsequent Technical Details Stage, to ensure that the proposed plot will be developed as a self or custom-build plot and not on a speculative development basis. The council agreed that this should be enforced should the proposal proceed to full planning. 

[TO RESOLVE]  24/02290/FUL Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow  BS39 6EX  

Erection of warehouse (Use Class B8) with associated hard/soft landscape works; drainage; and ecological enhancement area, together with stopping up of existing business park access to vehicular traffic; creation of new vehicular access for business park off the A39 with right turn lane and widening of the A39 to accommodate a new public foot/cycle path. 

Resolved to comment that the Council Supports the concerns of residents namely: 

1) That the border between Hallatrow and White Cross will be compromised by allowing building outside the Hallatrow settlement boundary. 

2) The additional noise pollution caused by vehicle movement on the site especially reversing and manoeuvring of goods vehicles; the likelihood of noise during anti-social hours if no restraints are applied. 

 3) Excess traffic generated by additional workforce and the future garden centre traffic which will be using the new entrance. Current A39 is unsuitable for increased traffic with narrowing of the road causing several one lane areas, and the A37 through Temple Cloud is unsuitable for increased HGV use. 

4) Light pollution causing a glow in the night sky affecting both residents and nocturnal wildlife 

b) To note decision notifications 

23/04622/VAR Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Variation of condition 7 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 22/02775/FUL (Change of use to learning and non-residential institutions (Use Class F1) for a temporary three year period with associated siting of porta-cabins and shipping containers (part retrospective)). Condition Number(s): Condition 7 – Approved plans Conditions(s) Removal: Please see covering letter Please see covering letter  

Pending consideration 

 23/04623/VAR Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Variation of condition 9 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 22/02777/FUL (Change of use to storage or distribution (Use Class B8) for a temporary three year period with associated siting of porta-cabins and shipping containers). Condition Number(s): Condition 9 – Approved Plans Conditions(s) Removal: Please see covering letter  

Pending consideration 

23/04687/FUL Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Material change of use (temporary) for B8 use and associated operational development (in connection with adjacent permitted use) (Retrospective). 

Pending consideration 

23/03092/LBA The Grange, Paulton Road, Hallatrow,  BS39 6EG  

External alterations for the replacement roof covering includes new tiles, battens and underlay. 

Pending consideration 

23/04686/FUL Parcel 0172 Wells Road Hallatrow   

Material change of use (temporary) for F1 use and associated operational development (in connection with adjacent permitted use) (Retrospective) 

Pending consideration 

24/00961/FUL Rolmar High Street High Littleton BS39 6HW 

Formation of a parking space 

Pending consideration 

24/01941/REM New House High Street High Littleton  BS39 6HX  

Removal of conditions 2 (Biodiversity Gain and Habitat Management Plans (Pre-commencement)) and 3 (Ecological and Biodiversity Net Gain Compliance Report (Pre-Occupation)) of application 23/00631/FUL (Erection of a detached dormer bungalow and garage).  

Condition Number(s): 2 – Biodiversity Gain and Habitat Management Plans (Pre-commencement)  

3 – Ecological and Biodiversity Net Gain Compliance Report (Pre-Occupation)  

Conditions(s) Removal:  

See attached statement. The application was subject to BNG requirements however the site is exempt from BNG requirements because it is less than 0.5 hectares in area and the project is a self-build.  

Remove conditions 2 and 3 of application 23/00631/FUL Decision Notice.  

Update approved plans list on decision notice as follows:  

Remove drawing 2023/BRICE/02B and replace with drawing 2023/BRICE/02C  

Remove drawing 2023/BRICE/07B and replace with drawing 2023/BRICE/07A  

Remove drawing 2023/BRICE/04HB (drawing does not exist) and replace with drawing 2023/BRICE/04B 

Pending consideration 

2407.05 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide any response to the B&NES public consultation Creating Sustainable Communities in North East Somerset and the Active Travel Masterplan, deadline 5 September 

Deferred to August meeting.  S Gould to lead on this issue.  

2407.06 [TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide any response to the B&NES consultation on changes to the Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD, deadline 12 July 

Resolved that no comment be made.  

2407.07 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and approve purchase of 4 speed camera signs 

Resolved to approve the purchase of signs with the locations for installation to be agreed at a future meeting.  

2407.08 {TO RESOLVE] i) to consider and approve change of VAS on Paulton Road from electric powered to solar powered.  ii) to consider and approve location and orientation of VAS 

Deferred until a meeting with the B&NES Engineer and residents (10 July) has taken place.  

2407.09 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide an increase in News & View magazine advertisement fees 

Deferred to August when feedback from editor and administrator has been received.  

2407.10 {TO RESOLVE] i) to consider and approve contribution (43%) towards Recreation Ground insurance costs 

Resolved to approve.  

2407.11 [TO RESOLVE] to consider and approve insurance renewal 2024.25 

Resolved to approve. 

2407.12 [TO RESOLVE] To approve the following finances for July 

a) Payments – resolved to approve the following items for payment in July.  

 Description Amount £ 
DD Sage Payroll – July 2024 9.60 
DD Pension Contributions– June 2024 37.77 
DD Yu Energy – June, awaiting invoice, will add to listing when rec’d 82.96 
SO D Stephenson – website maintenance 25.00 
Total  155.33 
Bank Card Somer Printing – July/Aug News & Views printing 417.10 
002677 Kirsty Headlong July 2024 Salary Pension PAYE Tax National Insurance Working from home allowance Net Total Clerk’s Expenses June 2024 mileage & stationery & admin Cheque Total  1059.5 (21.58) (179.80)(0.92) 26.00 883.20 80.88 964.08 
002678 HMRC Employer’s and Employee’s NI July 2024 July 2024 Tax – K Headlong Total 42.53 179.80 222.33 
002679 Branching Out – May and June cemetery grass cutting and parish sweeping 1660.00 
002680 JRB Enterprises – dog poop bags 64.94 
002681 Austin Sage – Rec Gound grass cutting June 2024 380.00 
002682 Trenjory Designs – July/Aug News & View editing 200.00 
002683 B George – July/Aug News & Views delivery 150.00 
002684 Yarnbomb Group – grant towards Village Day trail prize money 100.00 
002685 High Littleton Recreation Ground – 43% insurance cost 821.15 
002686 Zurich Municipal – insurance 571.07 
Cheque Total   £5133.57 
Grand Total   £5706.00  

b) To note receipts  


2407.13 To receive any updates on district matters from Ward Cllr Ann Morgan 

Ward Cllr Morgan reported she is liaising with B&NES to arrange a meeting re empty properties in the parish.  

2407.14 To receive reports and updates on current items 

  1. Allotments     

No news/updates.                                                                    

  1. Recreation Ground 

K Fuglesang reported that the guttering work is due to be done in August.  

  1. Police and Neighbourhood Watch      

The Council agreed to request a quarterly attendance by the beat manager or representative and more accurate reporting.                                 

  1. School Governors 

No news/updates.  

  1. Grass and Cemetery  

R Lane reported that he is meeting with the Church Wardens to ensure grass cutting is satisfactory.  

  1. Charity of Mary Jones 

No news/updates.  

  1. Parish Magazine  

No news/updates.  

  1. Greyfield Wood  

C Lindley reported that pollution in waterfall/stream has been reported to the Environment Agency and they are investigating the source.  

  1. Environmental Group  

R Lane reported a successful Moth Talk and that the bat detector is being used.  

  1. Parish sweeping  

No news/updates.  

  1. Highway/footpath Issues – speeding on Hallatrow HIll 

The Council noted that Adders Way has been cleared.  

  1. Transport/buses  

No news/updates.  

  1. Neighbourhood Plan 

S Gould drafted an update for the website and facebook – ‘Our Neighbourhood Plan, which sets out policies to inform planning decisions in our parish, will progress to the next stage of consultation (Regulation 16) now that the General Election period has concluded. The consultation will start on Friday 12th July and runs for 6 weeks until 23rd August. Following the consultation, an Independent Examiner will review the plan before residents are invited to vote on the plan in a referendum.  Details of the consultation and further updates will be posted here. If you have any questions, please contact the parish council.’ 

  1. Streetlighting 

No news/updates.  

  1. Rosewell Home 

No news/updates.  

  1. Church Farm 

No news/updates.  

  1. Councillor vacancies 

The Council have one vacancy and any interested residents to contact the Clerk or any Councillor.  

  1. Improving Communication with the community  

The council noted the comments from the questionnaire which have been published on facebook. 

  1. Working with Parishes on Rural Strategy 4 June 2024 – feedback 

K Fuglesang reported that B&NES are actively seeking to engage with Parish Councils and will be organising meetings and training.  

  1. Hallatrow polling station 

The Council agreed to obtain feedback from residents to assess if a booth is required in Hallatrow.  

  1. Village planters funded by Ward Councillor fund 

C Lindley and S Gould to liaise on the purchase of the planters.  

2407.15 Correspondence 

2407.16 Items for next meeting 

Quarterly Accounts  

Christmas trees – suppliers and dressers  

External audit report  

Review Internal and external auditor  

Sweep areas for September 

2407.17 To note future meetings 

 Parish Liaison meeting – 17 July 2024,18 September 2024, (Keynsham) 6.30-8.30 pm 

24 July 2024 2.30 – 5 pm – B&NES Local Plan, Parish Sites Assessment Toolkit Introduction and Training Workshop, Conygre Hall, Timsbury.   

Date of next meeting – 13 August 2024     

The Chair closed the meeting at 9.15pm. 

Kate Fuglesang Chair Kirsty Headlong Clerk